


1. The building and its structure should be appropriate in size, construction, and
design for easy maintenance and sanitation.
2. Around the perimeter of the building is made in the form of terraces that easy
cleared the same height as the floor of the building, the perimeter should be smoothed. The terrace is made with a width of about 90 cm from the wall or floor of the building.
3. There are enough space to place equipment and material storage to facilitate the production process.
4. The arrangement of the room should pay attention to the order of the production process from receipt of raw materials to finished products, so there is no risk of cross contamination from raw materials to finished products.
5. The floor should be waterproof, resistant to salt, alkali, acid, or other chemicals and must be made of materials that the quality and strength in accordance with the purpose and nature of the activities in that space.
6. Meeting the floor, cracks, or holes for the installation of the equipment must be closed in order not to become the entrance of pests.
7. The floor surface should be flat and smooth and easy to clean. For rooms that require flushing water treatment, room floor must have a slope of 50 to the horizontal and ending on sewers / drains.
8. meeting with the floor should be curved walls and watertight, so that the dirt in the solid form is easy to clean but to avoid the possibility of waterlogging. When meeting with a wall forming the floor dead angle, it must find an effective way for the sanitation process.
9. The surface of the inner wall should be smooth, flat, light colored, durable, not easy to peel, easy to clean and at least 2 m from the floor must be watertight, resistant to salt, alkali, acid or other chemicals. The walls in the room Zone 3 should not be made of wood.
10. The walls are painted using paints that do not contain lead, chromium,
and cadmium, especially for areas with open product or not packed.
11. Doors should be made of durable materials, the surface is flat, smooth, bright, easy to clean and does not become a source of contamination.
12. All doors must be given a clear explanation refer to the Safety Management System Employees and Environment PT Straw Mountain
13. The exit and entrance of employees to be separated, open outwards or to the side, and can be closed properly.
14. Emergency exits must be provided, clearly marked, always in a closed condition, and in an emergency can be opened easily.
15. If the outflow of high employee turnover or goods, then the door should be insulating dust (Air Curtain).
16. Doors receipts and expenditures of the warehouse must be separated and each was given a clear signal.
17. Doors should be large warehouse to facilitate the process of income and expenditures. Suggested barn door in the form of sliding doors that open to the side.
18. Areas with the product is still in process and not yet packed (open) should have a ceiling to prevent the possibility of contamination.
19. The ceiling of the building must be made of materials that are not easy to peel, flat, easy to clean, free from accumulation products, not slotted / leak, and are not used for storing goods or equipment that is not used anymore.
20. The roof is made of durable, water-resistant, not leak or crack, and a height of at least 3 m from the floor.
21. The inner surface of the roof should be flat, smooth, light-colored, not easy to peel, easy to clean and does not become a source of contamination
22. The division area based on the level of risk of cross contamination the products are divided into three zones, namely:
1. Zone 1 or Zone Green with the level of risk of contamination
Low is located in the outer area of ​​production and warehouse employees using work equipment.
2. Zone 2 or Zone Yellow with a level of risk to contamination was located diarea warehouse and employees obliged to use work equipment such as helmets.
3. Zone 3 or Zone Red with a high degree of risk of contamination is located in the area of ​​production and employees are required to complete the work using the equipment (lab coat, mask, hat and shoes)