
Overview Of The Project Management

Project Management

Project Management - In the previous post regarding the definition of management, management science One area is the project management (project management).

Definition of Project Management is the application for knowledge, skills, expertise, best technical means with limited resources in the achievement of goals or objectives that have been set in order to obtain maximum results in terms of time, performance, quality and safety. Project management needs a good management as well as focused as a project that has a limit so that the project objectives can be achieved. The need manageable project management is the cost, time, quality, safety and health, resources, risk, and environmental information systems.In the project management, there are three (3) main outlines in creating the sustainability of a project:

Planning | Planning

In an effort to achieving the goals of a project requires a careful planning. by putting basic goals and objectives of a project and at the same time setting up all administrative and technical programs in order to be implemented. it aims to meet all the requirements and specifications that have been determined within the constraints of time, cost, quality and safety. planning of a project carried out by means of feasibility studies, value engineering, planning an area of ​​project management (cost, time, quality, health and safety, environment, resources, risk and information systems)

Schedulling | Scheduling

Scheduling is the implementation of a plan that could give infomrasi about schedules and progress of the project plan consisting of resources, time duration and also progress in completing the project. This project scheduling follow the development of a project with the various problems that arise. Monitoring and updating should always run to obtain a realistic project scheduling so sesusai with project goals.

Methods in the management of project scheduling there are several methods, among others:

    Hanumm Curve (curve S)
    Vector Diagram (Linear Scheduling)
    Network Planning

If there are deviations from the original plan, then run the evaluation and corrective action so that existing projects remain on track to be expected.

Controlling | Control Project

Project Control processes can affect the final outcome of the project. project control objectives is to minimize all forms of distortion may occur during the project. control project is an attempt to optimize the performance cost (cost), time, quality and safety must have kriterisa which serve as performance benchmarks. activity in the control of this form of surveillance, inspection, correction dujalankan during project implementation.