Internal Audit
1.0 Purpose
To establish and maintain a procedure for planning and implementing Internal Audits to verify whether Quality activities and related Results comply with planned arrangements and to determine the effectiveness of the Quality system.
2.0 Scope
Applicable for Quality Management System established by AAG Land Survey
3.0 Responsibility Management Representative (MR)
4.0 Procedure
a. MR prepares Internal Audit Plan for the financial year.
b. Internal Audit is conducted at least once in 3 months.
c. MR prepares Internal Audit Schedule based on internal audit plan, status and importance
of the processes and the results of previous audits.
d. The audit schedule contains the details such as Auditor, Auditee, time, duration and scope of the audit.
e. When any Internal or External Non-conformance or customer complaint occur, MR in
consultation with General Manager reviews and changes the frequency of audit.
f. MR maintains List of Qualified Internal Auditors. The criteria for selection is based on the
training followed by the examination and the certificate of merit issued by External agency.
g. MR arranges for Internal Auditors who are independent of the function being audited.
h. Internal Auditors prepare an Internal Audit Checklist before conducting an audit.
i. Internal Auditors use the checklist as guidance for auditing. All the observations made
during the audit are recorded in Internal Audit observation sheet.
j. Audit findings are categorized as +ve observation (conforms to the requirements), -ve
observation (does not conform to requirements) and OI (Opportunity for Improvement), by
Internal Auditor.
k. All the –ve observations are treated as Non-conformities. Internal Auditors record the
details of Non-conformities in the Internal Audit Report. The report is handed over to the
respective Head of departments (Auditee) and a copy is submitted to MR.
l. The respective Head of department reviews the report and initiates immediate corrective
action, analyzes the root causes and prepare permanent corrective action plan. In case, if
possible preventive action is proposed and then the report is handed over to MR.
AAG Land Survey QSP- First Edition
m. The division heads and respective personnel in the department take actions as proposed by them.
n. MR analyzes all Internal Audit reports and prepares the status of Quality system in the
o. MR organizes the follow-up audit to verify the implementation of the actions proposed and
p. effectiveness of the corrective action taken.
q. If auditor / MR finds the action taken are effective then the Non-conformity is closed by
r. MR / Head of department takes preventive actions wherever applicable and the same is
discussed in Management Review Meeting.
5.0 Reference
5.1 Procedure for Management Review Meeting
5.2 Internal Audit plan
5.3 Internal Audit schedule
5.4 Internal Audit Observation sheet
5.5 Internal Audit report
5.6 Internal Audit checklist
5.7 List of Qualified Internal Auditors
1.0 Purpose
To establish and maintain a procedure for planning and implementing Internal Audits to verify whether Quality activities and related Results comply with planned arrangements and to determine the effectiveness of the Quality system.
2.0 Scope
Applicable for Quality Management System established by AAG Land Survey
3.0 Responsibility Management Representative (MR)
4.0 Procedure
a. MR prepares Internal Audit Plan for the financial year.
b. Internal Audit is conducted at least once in 3 months.
c. MR prepares Internal Audit Schedule based on internal audit plan, status and importance
of the processes and the results of previous audits.
d. The audit schedule contains the details such as Auditor, Auditee, time, duration and scope of the audit.
e. When any Internal or External Non-conformance or customer complaint occur, MR in
consultation with General Manager reviews and changes the frequency of audit.
f. MR maintains List of Qualified Internal Auditors. The criteria for selection is based on the
training followed by the examination and the certificate of merit issued by External agency.
g. MR arranges for Internal Auditors who are independent of the function being audited.
h. Internal Auditors prepare an Internal Audit Checklist before conducting an audit.
i. Internal Auditors use the checklist as guidance for auditing. All the observations made
during the audit are recorded in Internal Audit observation sheet.
j. Audit findings are categorized as +ve observation (conforms to the requirements), -ve
observation (does not conform to requirements) and OI (Opportunity for Improvement), by
Internal Auditor.
k. All the –ve observations are treated as Non-conformities. Internal Auditors record the
details of Non-conformities in the Internal Audit Report. The report is handed over to the
respective Head of departments (Auditee) and a copy is submitted to MR.
l. The respective Head of department reviews the report and initiates immediate corrective
action, analyzes the root causes and prepare permanent corrective action plan. In case, if
possible preventive action is proposed and then the report is handed over to MR.
AAG Land Survey QSP- First Edition
m. The division heads and respective personnel in the department take actions as proposed by them.
n. MR analyzes all Internal Audit reports and prepares the status of Quality system in the
o. MR organizes the follow-up audit to verify the implementation of the actions proposed and
p. effectiveness of the corrective action taken.
q. If auditor / MR finds the action taken are effective then the Non-conformity is closed by
r. MR / Head of department takes preventive actions wherever applicable and the same is
discussed in Management Review Meeting.
5.0 Reference
5.1 Procedure for Management Review Meeting
5.2 Internal Audit plan
5.3 Internal Audit schedule
5.4 Internal Audit Observation sheet
5.5 Internal Audit report
5.6 Internal Audit checklist
5.7 List of Qualified Internal Auditors
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