Customer Satisfaction
1.0 Purpose
a. To establish a process to measure the customer satisfaction level regarding the
Organization’s product and services
2.0 Scope
Applicable to all the products and services rendered by AAG Land Survey
3.0 Responsibility
3.1 All Head of Departments
4.0 Procedure
4.1 To analyze the performance of the Organization related to its products and services, the
respective Head of Departments evaluate the customer satisfaction as one of the measure.
4.2 Respective Head of Departments sends a Customer Satisfaction Survey Form to customers, where they are asked to provide the feedback / comments about the services.
4.3 This survey is carried out once in six months.
4.4 Also the respective Head of Departments interact directly with the customers about their
services and update the feedback from the customers in the Customer Comments Register.
4.5 After collecting all the information required from the customers through Customer
Satisfaction Survey Form and inputs from the Customer Comments Register, the respective
Head of Departments along with Management Representative analyze the rating and
calculate the Total Satisfaction Index.
4.6 On analyzing the feedback / comments from the customers, the present level of satisfaction is compared with the required level of satisfaction.
4.7 In case the satisfaction is not up to the required level, corrective actions are identified and implemented to attain the required level.
4.8 In case the satisfaction is up to the required level, it is ensured that this level is maintained and is tried to improve more by changing the target over a period of time as decided by the Management Representative.
4.9 The details of the analysis and the appropriate corrective actions taken are submitted to
the Management to review during the Management Review Meeting.
1.0 Purpose
a. To establish a process to measure the customer satisfaction level regarding the
Organization’s product and services
2.0 Scope
Applicable to all the products and services rendered by AAG Land Survey
3.0 Responsibility
3.1 All Head of Departments
4.0 Procedure
4.1 To analyze the performance of the Organization related to its products and services, the
respective Head of Departments evaluate the customer satisfaction as one of the measure.
4.2 Respective Head of Departments sends a Customer Satisfaction Survey Form to customers, where they are asked to provide the feedback / comments about the services.
4.3 This survey is carried out once in six months.
4.4 Also the respective Head of Departments interact directly with the customers about their
services and update the feedback from the customers in the Customer Comments Register.
4.5 After collecting all the information required from the customers through Customer
Satisfaction Survey Form and inputs from the Customer Comments Register, the respective
Head of Departments along with Management Representative analyze the rating and
calculate the Total Satisfaction Index.
4.6 On analyzing the feedback / comments from the customers, the present level of satisfaction is compared with the required level of satisfaction.
4.7 In case the satisfaction is not up to the required level, corrective actions are identified and implemented to attain the required level.
4.8 In case the satisfaction is up to the required level, it is ensured that this level is maintained and is tried to improve more by changing the target over a period of time as decided by the Management Representative.
4.9 The details of the analysis and the appropriate corrective actions taken are submitted to
the Management to review during the Management Review Meeting.
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