Control of Nonconforming Product Procedure for Quality Management System

Control of Nonconforming Product Procedure for Quality Management System

Control of Nonconforming Product

1.0 Purpose
To establish a procedure for dealing with nonconforming product including customer
complaints and to ensure initiation of necessary corrective /preventive actions.

2.0 Scope
Applicable for all non-conformance and customer complaints received in the AAG Land

3.0 Responsibility
Management Representative

4.0 Procedure
a. Management Representative classifies the product non-conformances into 2 varieties –
Minor and Major.
b. The non-conformance which has a direct impact on the customer usage / non-meeting the statutory requirements, regulatory requirements/ affecting the integrity of the product
as classified into Major Non conformance and will be recorded in the Non-conformance
c. The non-conformance which does not affect the end result / minor readjustments /
minor quality defects are classified into minor non-conformance. These minor nonconformances are recorded in Minor Non-conformance summary report. Respective Head of Departments analyzes the reasons for the same and appropriate corrective action will be decided.
d. The major product nonconformance including customer complaints is recorded in the
Nonconformance Report by Respective Head of Departments. The nonconforming product
is identified and stored in the designated area.
e. Respective Head of Departments reviews the problem and initiate the immediate action to
eliminate the detected nonconformity. The details are recorded in the Nonconformance
f. When the nonconforming product is reworked, the same is re-inspected / verified by
Management Representative to ensure conformance to specified requirements.
g. Management Representative determines the causes of nonconformities and implements
necessary corrective / preventive action appropriate to the effects of nonconformity
(actual / potential) identified.
AAG Land Survey QSP- First Edition
i. The details of action decided including the responsibility and target date are
recorded in the Nonconformance Report.
ii.The responsible personnel as decided in the report implements the necessary
decided actions.
iii.Management Representative verifies whether the action has been implemented
and it is effective. The effectiveness of the action implemented is decided based
on the trend in the nonconformance.
iv.Once the action taken is effective, Management Representative standardizes the
action taken by means of updating the documents, providing appropriate training
to concerned personnel.
v. Summary of corrective and preventive actions and its effectiveness are reviewed
in the Management Review Meeting.

5.0 References
a. Procedure for Management Review Meeting
b. Nonconformance Report
c. Minor Non-conformance Summary report