How to Regulate Blood Sugar Levels to Prevent Diabetes

How to Regulate Blood Sugar Levels to Prevent Diabetes

Regulate Blood Sugar Levels to Prevent DiabetesMany studies have been conducted to show the best kind of food for diabetics. And when you understand how much dietary factors can affect a person against diabetes, or influence the development of a person from the disease, then you will easily understand. While the food is a key point, there are several other factors that can affect blood sugar levels leading to diabetes

Diabetes mellitus, comes from the Greek: διαβαίνειν, diabaínein, translucent or shower) (Latin: mellitus, sweetness), also known in Indonesia by the term diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is caused by many factors such as a lack of insulin or the body's inability to utilize the insulin (insulin resistance), with simtoma form of chronic hyperglycemia and impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as a result of: a deficiency of insulin secretion, insulin activity, or both. glucose transporter deficiency. or a combination of both.

Glucose is not regular sugar that is commonly available in shops or markets. Glucose is a carbohydrate that the body uses natural hydrates as an energy source. Are sold are sucrose and glucose is very different. High concentrations of glucose can be found in soft drinks (soft drinks) and certain fruits. Blood sugar levels imply only blood glucose levels and do not represent the levels of fructose, sucrose, maltose and lactose (many in milk). Which is not the glucose will be converted partly into glucose through a process that can be lengthy depending on the species, and therefore may not quickly raise blood sugar levels. Fruit besides having fructose with glucose also have different compositions depending on the fruit. Sucrose including rapidly turned into glucose, sugar cubes but different because the manufacturing process is better than sugar, while the palm sugar and sugar is much better for diabetics.

The levels of glucose in the blood is controlled by several hormones. Hormones are chemicals in the body that send signals to cells to other cells. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas. When eating, the pancreas makes insulin to send messages to other cells in the body. Insulin ordered the cells to take up glucose from the blood. Glucose is used by cells to manufacture energy. Excess glucose is stored in the cells as glycogen. At the moment the blood sugar level reaches a certain low level, the cells break down glycogen into glucose to create energy.

Various diseases, syndromes and simtoma can be triggered by diabetes mellitus, such as: Alzheimer's disease, ataxia-telangiectasia, Down syndrome, Huntington's disease, abnormalities of mitochondria, dystrophy miotonis, Parkinson's disease, Prader-Willi syndrome, Werner syndrome, syndrome Wolfram, leukoaraiosis, dementia , hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, and others.
In 2013, Indonesia has around 8.5 million people with diabetes is the fourth highest number in Asia and number-7 in world.And in 2020, Indonesia is expected to have 12 million diabetics, since the start of diabetes is getting younger ,

Classic signs of untreated diabetes are weight loss, polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (frequent thirst), and polyphagia (often hungry).
Symptoms may develop very rapidly (weeks or months) in type 1 diabetes, while in type 2 diabetes usually develop much more slowly and may be no symptoms at all or is not clear.
Some other signs and symptoms may indicate the presence of diabetes, although this is not specific to diabetes. They are blurred vision, headache, fatigue, slow wound healing, and itching. The high level of blood glucose of time can cause the absorption of glucose in the lens of the eye, which causes deformation, and changes in visual acuity. A number of hives because of diabetes known as diabetic dermadromes.

Patients with type 1 diabetes usually also have diabetic ketoacidosis, a metabolic problem that is characterized by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, the smell of acetone on the breath, breathing in is known as Kussmaul breathing, and in severe cases the reduced level of consciousness.

Some Tips Controlling blood sugar to prevent diabetes

Here is a selection or recommendation of the best things you can do to maintain or control blood glucose levels and insulin healthy, as reported by Reader's diggest's Best Health.
Crop Saturated Fats
The results of an American study involving 3,000 people suggests that you have a much higher chance of developing diabetes if you have high levels of saturated fat in your body. Therefore, avoid or at least reduce foods high in saturated fat.

Fulfill Needs Magnesium
A study of women found that a high intake of magnesium may reduce the risk of diabetes by 10% overall, and approximately 20% of women are overweight. You can meet magnesium needs by eating avocados, spinach, green vegetables, nuts, and fish.

Japanese scientists showed that laughter can be an inexpensive drug to control blood sugar at a good level. People with diabetes who watched a comedy movie after dinner known to have blood sugar levels are lower than those who watched the news boring. Do not let yourself be prolonged stress when having diabetes. Laughing at all times is certainly not a bad thing.

Consumption of Dairy Products
A study of 3,000 people found that overweight people who consume milk or other dairy products, 70% less likely to develop insulin resistance than those who did not. This is because the lactose, proteins, and fats in dairy products may improve blood sugar and sugar slows the conversion of food into blood sugar.

Consumption of Cinnamon
In a study in Pakistan, people with type 2 diabetes who consumed 1 g / 3 g / 6 g cinnamon known to decrease their blood sugar levels between 18-29% depending on the amount consumed. Certainly not difficult to find cinnamon. You can add cinnamon in coffee, tea, or yogurt.

Enough Sleep
Numerous studies have found that sleep deprivation has serious effects on blood sugar and insulin levels in your body. Therefore meet the needs enough sleep about 6-8 hours.

A large-scale study in the US shows that run 2 km a day will reduce the risk of death from diabetes. In addition, the study also shows that walking 10 km in a week will also reduce the chance of death from heart disease by 34% in diabetics.

Consumption of Grapefruit
grapefruit citrus fruit included in the class. This fruit may like pomelo, grapefruit but has purplish red meat and orange peel. Back to the topic of blood sugar, American researchers conducted a study of 50 obese patients were asked to eat half a grapefruit after meals for 12 weeks and compared with a group that did not eat them. Patients who eat grapefruit average weight loss of 1.6 kg. They also have insulin and glucose levels were lower after meals, suggesting a more efficient sugar metabolism.

Consumption of Legume
Legumes are included in the legume family. Examples of legumes or nuts are popular is peanuts, lentils, beans, green beans, red beans, peas, soybeans, and so forth. Research shows that eating 75 g of nuts a day can stabilize your blood sugar and insulin.

Relax the muscles of the body
One study found that after the tense muscles of the body for 10 minutes each day, then make to relax, can significantly improve blood sugar levels, especially in people with high blood sugar.