


1. Channels waste disposal must be made in the right location, and function properly, thus not allowing the puddles of water in the channel.
2. Waste water treatment in principle is to adjust the level contamination so qualified to be discharged into the channel disposal.
3. The method of wastewater treatment is done gradually include physical handling (primary), biological treatment (secondary), and chemical handling
4. Handling physically can be done by filtration, precipitation and a centrifuge to separate the solids with fluid (decrease BOD 35%).
5. Handling biologically can be done with the aerobic system or anaerobic microorganisms using and filtering.
6. Handling of chemically include the use of materials settling or killer microbes.
7. The plant must be equipped with the extermination of the product in the form of incinerators closed and do not pollute the environment around the factory.
8. Garbage must be placed in the trash and then discarded so it does not become a source of odors, unattractive and be pests nesting place, do not become a source of product contaminants, surfaces in contact with product, process water supply, and floor surfaces.
9. The dry waste and wet waste should be available, complete with lid in sufficient quantities at all location that is easily seen and accessible by employees.
10. The wet garbage must always be closed and cleaned at least 2 times in one day.
11. The bins should be kept clean so as not to be breeding sites ants, flies, cockroaches, or animal Other.
12. In the process space should be provided bins for products that are dirty, with separate bins for rubbish packaging.
13. Landfills while should pay attention the amount of waste collected, always closed, and has a safe distance to other facilities so as not to pollute or contaminates.