


1. Equipment should be treated properly, carried out periodically in accordance with a predetermined schedule.
2. Equipment that has been used must be cleaned and sanitized soon after used to use an approved sanitizer for the food industry (food grade). Sanitation carried back before the appliance is used.
3. For equipment that is used continuously, cleaning the total should be performed at least once a week, followed by sanitation use approved sanitizer.
4. Equipment used for weighing, calculation, testing, and registration should be checked for accuracy by periodically and calibrated in accordance with appropriate procedures. Result inspection and calibration must always be documented.
5. Maintenance of equipment and facilities must follow written procedures used for each task and performed by maintenance staff
6. All equipment must be identified by a numbering system that is clear.
7. Maintenance records should be provided for each machine, facilities or equipment which describes the date, time, cleaning products, cleaning materials mixing dose, method used and who is doing maintenance.

1. Selection of measuring instruments and scales must not change and affect the quality of measurements and weights.
2. Type in accordance with the needs and usage measurement.
3. Specifications as required measurements, for example: the smallest scale and the biggest of the gauges
4. Handling and use of the equipment does not cause damage and did not affect the quality of weights and measures.
5. The placement to be appropriate, pay attention to the treatment or manner its use, as well as calibrated and termonitoring according to the rules and avoid abuse of measuring instruments and scales.