Personal Hygiene Procedure

Personal Hygiene Procedure

Personal Hygiene

PURPOSE:  To prevent contamination of food by foodservice employees.

SCOPE:  This procedure applies to foodservice employees who handle, prepare, or serve food.

KEY WORDS:  Personal Hygiene, Cross-Contamination, Contamination


1.      Train foodservice employees on using the procedures in this SOP.

2.      Follow State or local health department requirements.

3.      Follow the Employee Health Policy.  (Employee health policy is not included in this resource.)

4.      Report to work in good health, clean, and dressed in clean attire.

5.      Change apron when it becomes soiled.

6.      Wash hands properly, frequently, and at the appropriate times.

7.      Keep fingernails trimmed, filed, and maintained so that the edges are cleanable and not rough.

8.      Avoid wearing artificial fingernails and fingernail polish.

9.      Wear single-use gloves if artificial fingernails or fingernail polish are worn.

10.  Do not wear any jewelry except for a plain ring such as a wedding band.

11.  Treat and bandage wounds and sores immediately.  When hands are bandaged, single-use gloves must be worn.

12.  Cover a lesion containing pus with a bandage.  If the lesion is on a hand or wrist, cover with an impermeable cover such as a finger cot or stall and a single-use glove.

13.  Eat, drink, use tobacco, or chew gum only in designated break areas where food or food contact surfaces may not become contaminated.

14.  Taste food the correct way:

    Place a small amount of food into a separate container.
    Step away from exposed food and food contact surfaces.
    Use a teaspoon to taste the food.  Remove the used teaspoon and container to the dish room.  Never reuse a spoon that has already been used for tasting.
    Wash hands immediately.

15.  Wear suitable and effective hair restraints while in the kitchen.


    A designated foodservice employee will inspect employees when they report to work to be sure that each employee is following this SOP.

    The designated foodservice employee will monitor that all foodservice employees are adhering to the personal hygiene policy during all hours of operation.


1.      Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP.

2.      Discard affected food.


The foodservice manager will verify that foodservice employees are following this SOP by visually observing the employees during all hours of operation.  The foodservice manager will complete the Food Safety Checklist daily.  Foodservice employees will record any discarded food on the Damaged or Discarded Product Log.  The Food Safety Checklist and Damaged or Discarded Product Logs are to be kept on file for a minimum of 1 year.

DATE IMPLEMENTED: __________________           BY: ­­­_______________________

DATE REVIEWED: _____________________           BY: _______________________

DATE REVISED: _______________________         BY: _______________________