
Honey Diet to Lose Weight

Honey has a natural ingredient that is very good for the health of the body as antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin B, anti-bacterial, and so forth. But besides that, did you know that honey can also help you lose weight? Based on the results, you can reduce your weight a few kilograms in three weeks by consuming one tablespoon of honey before bed.
Taste sweet and delicious honey makes a lot of people liked it. In addition to its taste, honey has been known since ancient times because of the great benefits given to the health of your body. Before the known amount of benefits provided, honey is merely used as a sweetener in food. But along with the development of technology and its many studies to honey, honey also has begun to be used as a natural remedy and are used for beauty treatments.
honey diet to lose weightAbout Honey Diet

Mike McInnes, a founder of a diet of honey, as quoted from page Health Me Up, says that athletes who consume foods high in fructose such as honey are known to burn more fat in the body and also helps to increase the level of his stamina. Honey works as a fuel for the liver and produce glucose. Glucose is the brain makes the glucose level is high and forced him to release fat burning hormones.
If you want to get the health benefits of a diet of honey, you just need to replace the intake of sugar with honey. In addition, you are also encouraged to eat three tablespoons of honey with warm water every night before bed. Combine it with regular exercise at least three times a week and you will feel the weight loss is significant.

How to work the honey diet to lose weight ?

According to McInnes, most of us work hard to lose weight because we consume too much processed foods and sugars. When we consume honey before bed, your body will burn more fat during the early hours of sleep. When replacing the intake of sugar with honey, you would balance the brain signals that often force you to consume sweet foods.
In order to optimize the honey diet should do the following

Many protein consumption

Make sure you eat protein foods at each meal. This is in order to keep you satisfied for a long time. In addition, the protein also can avoid a rise in blood sugar.

Selectively choosing fruits

Fruits are a good choice for dieters. However, keep in mind that most fruits contain sugar levels are quite high, and this can interfere with honey diet you are doing. Therefore, you are advised to choose fruits that are low in carbohydrates such as fruit berry family.

Replace sugar with honey intake

Avoid adding sugar in your favorite beverage such as tea. Instead, use honey in tea, coffee, cereal, or even your favorite dishes.

Avoid consumption of junk food

Junk food is processed food that is high in calories. To get the health benefits fully from the diet of honey, then avoid eating junk food.

Use wheat flour

White rice and white flour that is purified in the form of a white paste can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Instead choose whole-wheat flour as food ingredients made from wheat is not only good for digestion but also can make full for a long time.