Continual Improvement Procedure for Quality Management System

Continual Improvement Procedure for Quality Management System

Continual Improvement

1.0 Purpose
To establish a procedure to continually improve the Quality of products and services
rendered by the Organization

2.0 Scope
This procedure is applicable to all respective divisions AAG Land Survey.

3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Management Representative
3.2 Respective Head of Department

4.0 Procedure
4.1 Management Representative along with the respective Head of Departments identifies
the areas for Improvement based on the Quality Policy and Objective of the company.
The areas of improvement shall also be based on:
Corrective and Preventive action reports
Management Review Meeting Output
Audit Reports
Analysis of Data
4.2 The areas of Improvement are decided during the Management Review meeting and the
progress of the same is monitored in every Management Review Meeting.
4.3 The Management committee fixes the responsibility and Target Date for each identified
area of improvement.
4.4 Management Representative sums-up all the areas of Improvement and documents the
same in Areas of Continual Improvement and the same is distributed to all concerned
Head of Departments.
4.5 Respective Head of Departments brainstorm in the departmental meetings to identify
the methodology to be adopted and the same is implemented and ensured that
Continual Improvement is achieved.
4.6 Respective Head of Departments make Prioritized action plan for the areas of Continual
Improvement and the same is followed to complete the assignment in time in
Prioritized Action Plan for Continual Improvement.
4.7 Respective Head of Departments sum-up the methodology and the benefit that has
been achieved by adapting the continual Improvement assignment and the same is presented to the management.

4.8 The Continual Improvement is identified in all areas of operation and every effort is
taken to ensure that the Continual Improvement is an ongoing process.
4.9 Training is imparted to all concerned on the concept of Continual improvement and the
tools to be used to achieve the improvement.
4.10 Effectiveness of Continual Improvement Assignments are monitored and revised
periodically and the same is discussed in MRM.

5.0 Reference
Procedure for MRM
Areas for Continual Improvement
Prioritized Action Plan for Continual Improvement